Mockito Init Enable Mockito annotations Call the method MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this)
to initialize annotated fields Use the built-in runner @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class)
Mock Default to return null value
Java Copy// MyList listMock = mock(MyList.class, "myMock");
User user = Mockito.mock(User.class);
Java Copy//org.mockito.Mockito.mock(java.lang.Class<T>)
//org.mockito.Mockito.mock(java.lang.Class<T>, java.lang.String)
//org.mockito.Mockito.mock(java.lang.Class<T>, org.mockito.stubbing.Answer)
//org.mockito.Mockito.mock(java.lang.Class<T>, org.mockito.MockSettings)
//method 1
Foo foo1 = Mockito.mock(Foo.class);
//method 2:define mock name
Foo foo2 = Mockito.mock(Foo.class, "mock_1");
//method 3:mock logic
Foo foo3 = Mockito.mock(Foo.class, new Answer() {
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
//define return value
return null;
//method 4:use MockSettings configure mock
Foo foo4 = Mockito.mock(Foo.class, Mockito.withSettings().defaultAnswer(Mockito.RETURNS_SMART_NULLS));
.useConstructor("arg1", 123).defaultAnswer(CALLS_REAL_METHODS)
InnerAbstract spy = mock(InnerAbstract.class, Mockito.withSettings().useConstructor().outerInstance(outerInstance).defaultAnswer(CALLS_REAL_METHODS));
*/ Spy - to spy on an existing instance Default to execute original methods
Java CopyUser user = Mockito.spy(new User());
Java Copy//org.mockito.Mockito.spy(java.lang.Class<T>)
//method 1:spy a class
List spy1 = Mockito.spy(List.class);
//method 2:spy an object
List spy2 = Mockito.spy(new ArrayList<>());
Java Copy@ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class)
public class GreetingsTest {
// ...
} Mock Inject create and inject mocked instances
Java Copy@ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class)
public class MockitoTest {
//Inject it with attributes having @Mock annotations
private Foo foo;
//will be used to inject to foo
private Bar bar;
public void mockTest() {
Mockito.when(bar.add(1, 2)).thenReturn(7);
int result = foo.sum(1, 2);
Assert.assertEquals(7, result);
Configure method to call the real method: Java Copywhen(listMock.size()).thenCallRealMethod();
assertThat(listMock).hasSize(1); MockException Java Copy// way two
// way one
doThrow(NullPointerException.class).when(listMock).clear(); Invocation times Java Copy// Verify number of interactions
verify(mockedList, times(1)).size();
// Verify no interaction with the whole mock
// Verify no interaction with a specific method
verify(mockedList, times(0)).size(); //atLeast(1), atMost(1)
verify(mockedList, never()).size();
// Verify order of interactions
InOrder inOrder = Mockito.inOrder(mockedList);
inOrder.verify(mockedList).add("a parameter");
// Verify interaction with exact argument
verify(flowerService).analyze(or(eq("poppy"), endsWith("y"))); @Captor Java Copy@Mock
List mockedList;
ArgumentCaptor argCaptor;
public void whenUseCaptorAnnotation_thenTheSame() {
assertEquals("one", argCaptor.getValue());
Java CopyanyInt()
anyString() DoThrow Java Copy@Test(expected = Exception.class)
public void givenNull_addThrows() {
MyList myList = mock(MyList.class);
doThrow().when(myList).add(isA(Integer.class), isNull());
myList.add(0, null);
} doNothing Java Copy@Test
public void whenAddCalledValueCaptured() {
MyList myList = mock(MyList.class);
ArgumentCaptor<String> valueCapture = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
doNothing().when(myList).add(any(Integer.class), valueCapture.capture());
myList.add(0, "captured");
assertEquals("captured", valueCapture.getValue());
} Answering Java Copy@Test
public void whenAddCalledAnswered() {
MyList myList = mock(MyList.class);
doAnswer(invocation -> {
Object arg0 = invocation.getArgument(0);
Object arg1 = invocation.getArgument(1);
assertEquals(3, arg0);
assertEquals("answer me", arg1);
return null;
}).when(myList).add(any(Integer.class), any(String.class));
myList.add(3, "answer me");
} Verify has been called and call times
Java Copy@Test
public void verify_publicMethodReturnString() {
verify(mockSample, never()).publicMethodReturnString();
verify(mockSample, times(2)).publicMethodReturnString();
} isA、anyXxx、eq
Java Copy@Test
public void verify_publicMethodCalculate() {
verify(mockSample, never()).publicMethodCalculate(1, 2);
verify(mockSample, never()).publicMethodCalculate(isA(int.class), isA(int.class));
verify(mockSample, never()).publicMethodCalculate(anyInt(), anyInt());
verify(mockSample, never()).publicMethodCalculate(eq(1), eq(2));
mockSample.publicMethodCalculate(1, 2);
verify(mockSample).publicMethodCalculate(1, 2);
verify(mockSample).publicMethodCalculate(isA(int.class), isA(int.class));
verify(mockSample).publicMethodCalculate(anyInt(), anyInt());
verify(mockSample).publicMethodCalculate(eq(1), eq(2));
verify(mockSample, never()).publicMethodCalculate(1, 1);
verify(mockSample, never()).publicMethodCalculate(eq(1), eq(1));
The following table gives an overview of the most important annotations in JUnit 5 from the org.junit.jupiter.api
Identifies a method as a test method.
Disables a test method with an option reason.
Executed before each test. Used to prepare the test environment, e.g., initialize the fields in the test class, configure the environment, etc.
Executed after each test. Used to cleanup the test environment, e.g., delete temporary data, restore defaults, cleanup expensive memory structures.
<Name> that will be displayed by the test runner. In contrast to method names the name can contain spaces to improve readability.
Similar to @Test
but repeats the test a <Number> of times
Annotates a static method which is executed once, before the start of all tests. It is used to perform time intensive activities, for example, to connect to a database. Methods marked with this annotation need to be defined as static
to work with JUnit.
Annotates a static method which is executed once, after all tests have been finished. It is used to perform clean-up activities, for example, to disconnect from a database. Methods annotated with this annotation need to be defined as static
to work with JUnit.
Annotates a method which is a Factory for creating dynamic tests
Lets you nest inner test classes to group your tests and to have additional @BeforeEach and @AfterEach methods.
Tags a test method, tests in JUnit 5 can be filtered by tag. E.g., run only tests tagged with "fast".
Lets you register an Extension class that adds functionality to the tests
Assert throw Java CopyassertThatThrownBy(() -> verify(listMock, times(2)).add(anyString()))