Restful API

Restful API

According to the standard HTTP/1.1 protocol, HTTP request methods include GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE.
  • GET retrieves the specified resource from the server.
  • HEAD retrieves only the HTTP response headers for the specified resource (ignores the body).
  • OPTIONS is a special request used to check if a server supports a certain request method. For example, a client can first send an OPTIONS request to ask if the server supports PUT. If it does, then a PUT request can be sent.
  • POST submits data from the client to the server.
  • PUT updates an existing resource on the server.
  • PATCH also updates an existing resource on the server, but only transmits the modified parts incrementally.
  • DELETE removes a resource from the server.
GET, HEAD, and POST requests were supported by HTTP/1.0, while OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE were added by HTTP/1.1.
According to the specification, GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS requests do not change data on the HTTP server and are therefore safe.
According to the specification, all requests except POST and PATCH can be called once or multiple times in the same way with the same side effects, making them idempotent.
According to the specification, multiple calls to the POST method may create multiple resources, making it non-idempotent. The PATCH method may incrementally add multiple pieces of content, making it also non-idempotent.
According to the specification, GET and OPTIONS requests can be cached, while other requests cannot. More details about caching will be discussed in later courses.
notion image
Reposne type
Typical Examples
Indicates that the file is plain text, theoretically readable by humans
text/plain, text/html, text/css, text/javascript
Indicates that it is some kind of image. Does not include videos, but dynamic images (such as animated gifs) also use the image type
image/gif, image/png, image/jpeg, image/bmp, image/webp, image/x-icon
Indicates that it is some kind of audio file
audio/midi, audio/mpeg, audio/webm, audio/ogg, audio/wav
Indicates that it is some kind of video file
video/webm, video/ogg
Indicates that it is some kind of binary data
application/octet-stream, application/pkcs12, application/vnd.mspowerpoint, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml, application/pdf